Baby’s First Dental Examination

Your child’s first dental examination

When should I get my baby’s first dental examination done?
World Health Organisation (WHO) and American Pediatric Dental Association suggest that the first dental examination should be done after the first tooth appears (usually between 6 months – 1 year).

Isn’t 1 year too early for the first dental examination?
First priority of pediatric dentists is to protect your children’s teeth from tooth decay. The purpose of this early-age examination is to show you what you should do to prevent their teeth from decays and examine their dental health with regular check-ups.

What should I pay attention before the first dental examination?
What shouldn’t be done is more important than what should be done:
o You shouldn’t make sentences such as “Don’t be afraid.” or ”It won’t hurt.” before the dental treatment. Such sentences may subconsciously give birth to the idea that it may hurt.
o Do not reward your children with a gift after their dental examination. Your giving reward makes them think that it was a difficult process.
o It would be better for them not to tell your good or bad past experiences on a dental chair.
o Do not tell your children alarming things such as if they do not go to the dentist, their tooth decay will get worse and then, it will have to be pulled out after injection. Because, such treatments with which you scared your children may be the ones they may need one day.
o Also, do not promise your children that the dentist will only examine their teeth. Let your children and their dentists decide on what they will do in their first dental appointment.

What do you do during the first dental examination?
In the first dental examination, our purpose is to share the current problems and available solutions with you examining your children’s teeth with the help of light and a mouth mirror and the most importantly, inform you about nutrition and protection. We show all dental instruments we use during the examination, explain their functions, and even let children use certain tools. After their painless first examination, having seen your children left the room smiling sometimes with the help of the games, you will be very surprised to see how happily your children will go to their following appointments.

What should I do when I’m bringing my child for the dental treatment appointments?
We prefer that especially ‘parents’ bring their children to the dental treatment appointments.
Please bring your children to the appointments with a full stomach unless you are told the opposite.
Children who are treated very easily may get incompatible when they are tired or bored.
This situation may affect their following appointments negatively. Thus, do not insist on your children and dentist for further implementations.

Do not ask your children questions such as “Does it hurt?” or “Are you tired?” which may decrease their motivation.

If your children are getting their treatment on the chair with ease, you can enjoy yourselves in the waiting room.